Working with time trees

The TimeTree class

A TimeTree can be initialized with a given newick string using the ete3.Tree constructor and its format options. Additionally, a TREE object (Classes for the c library) is generated and saved in the TimeTree and used for efficient RNNI distance computations.

TimeTree attributes




returns the ete3.Tree object


returns the respective TREE object


returns the number of leaves of the TimeTree


returns the findpath distance to another TimeTree t


returns a TREE_LIST object, allocated memory needs to be freed!


returns the write() function of the ete3.Tree with the specified format, defaults to format=5


returns a deep copy of the current TimeTree


returns a list of TimeTree’s containing all neighbours at distance 1


returns a list of TimeTree’s containing only neighbours one rank move away


returns a list of TimeTree’s containing only neighbours one NNI move away


computes the set of all clades present in the given TimeTree


applies a new taxa map (in form of a dictionary) to a TimeTree

This is an example of how to access the different attributes of a TimeTree object:

from tetres.trees.time_trees import TimeTree, free_tree_list

# Initialize a time tree from a newick string
tt = TimeTree("((1:3,5:3):1,(4:2,(3:1,2:1):1):2);")

tt.ctree  # the TREE class object

tt.etree  # the ete3.Tree object

len(tt)  # Number of leaves in the tree tt --> 5

tt.fp_distance(tt)  # Distance to another TimeTree --> 0

path = tt.fp_path(tt)  # A shortest path to another TimeTree --> []
free_tree_list(path)  # Allocated memory needs to be freed after usage

tt.get_newick()  # Returns the newick string in ete3 format=5

ttc = tt.copy()  # ttc contains a deep copy of the TimeTree tt

tt.neighbours()  # a list of TimeTree objects each at distance one to tt

tt.rank_neighbours()  # list of TimeTree obtained by doing all possible rank moves on tt

tt.nni_neighbours()  # list of TimeTree obtained by doing all possible NNI moves on tt

tt.nwk_to_cluster()  # returns set of all clades in the tree

tt.apply_new_taxa_map(new_map, old_map)  # Will apply the new taxa map to the tree

ete3 functionalities

Via the ete3.Tree object the respective function of the ete3 package are available for a TimeTree object. For example drawing and saving a tree to a file:

from tetres.trees.time_trees import TimeTree

tt = TimeTree("((1:3,5:3):1,(4:2,(3:1,2:1):1):2);")

# Automatically save the tree to a specific file_path location

# Defining a layout to display internal node names in the plot
def my_layout(node):
    if node.is_leaf():
        # If terminal node, draws its name
        name_face = ete3.AttrFace("name")
        # If internal node, draws label with smaller font size
        name_face = ete3.AttrFace("name", fsize=10)
    # Adds the name face to the image at the preferred position
    ete3.faces.add_face_to_node(name_face, node, column=0, position="branch-right")

ts = ete3.TreeStyle()
ts.show_leaf_name = False
ts.layout_fn = my_layout
ts.show_branch_length = True
ts.show_scale = False

# Will open a separate plot window, which also allows interactive changes and saving the image

See the ete3 documentation for more options.

The TimeTreeSet class

A TimeTreeSet is an iterable list of TimeTree objects, which is initialized with a nexus file (as returned by a BEAST2 analysis), hence it contains a taxa map.



a dictionary conataining the taxa to integer translation from the nexus file


a list of TimeTree objects


returns the TimeTree at TimeTreeSet.trees[i]


returns the number of trees in the list TimeTreeSet.trees

TimeTreeSet.fp_distance(i, j)

returns the distances between the trees at postition i and j

TimeTreeSet.fp_path(i, j)

returns a shortest path (TREE_LIST) between the trees at postition i and j


returns a copy of the list of :class:`TimeTree`s


returns and computes the set of shared clades among all trees in the set


Will apply the given new taxa map to all trees in the set

Reading Trees

A TimeTreeSet object can be initialized with a path to a nexus file.

from tetres.trees.time_trees import TimeTreeSet, free_tree_list

# Initializing with a path to a nexus tree file
tts = TimeTreeSet("path_to_nexus_file.nex")  # a dictionary keys:int and values:string(taxa)

tts.trees  # A list of TimeTree objects

for tree in tts:
    # tree is a TimeTree object
tts[0]  # trees are accessible via the index

len(tts)  # Returns the number of trees in the TimeTreeSet object

tts.fp_distance(i, j)  # Returns the distance between trees i and j
path = tts.fp_path(i, j)  # Returns a shortest path between trees i and j
free_tree_list(path)  # Allocated memory needs to be freed after usage

General Functions

A list of the functions available from the module ‘tetres.trees.time_trees’.




returns a list of TimeTree objects containing the one-neighbours of tree


returns a list of TimeTree objects containing the rank neighbours of tree


returns a list of TimeTree objects containing the NNI neighbours of tree


returns a list of TimeTree objects contained in given the nexus file


returns a dictionary containing the taxa to integer translation of the given file

time_trees.findpath_distance(t1, t2)

Computes the distance between t1 and t2, returns int

time_trees.findpath_path(t1, t2)

Computes the path between t1 and t2, returns TREE_LIST, after usage memory needs to be freed!


Both functions time_trees.findpath_distance(t1, t2) and time_trees.findpath_path(t1, t2) can be called with t1 and t2 being either a TREE, TimeTree or ete3.Tree, both have to be the same type!


When using time_trees.findpath_path(t1, t2) the c code is allocating memory to the returned object. This memory needs to be freed with the time_trees.free_tree_list(tree_list) function to avoid memory leaks, see more info below!

Working with findpath_path and c memory

When using the time_trees.findpath_path(t1, t2) implementation it is important to free the memory of the returned TREE_LIST object. When calling the function the package will also throw a UserWarning indicating this. Below are some examples of how to use the findpath_path implementation and the underlying class TREE_LIST.

from tetres.trees.time_trees import TimeTreeSet, free_tree_list

t1 = TimeTree()
t2 = TimeTree()

path = findpath_path(t1.ctree, t2.ctree)  # Will throw a UserWarning
free_tree_list(path)  # Free the memory allocated by c

# Calling findpath_path without the UserWarning being printed
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    # Ignores the 'Free memory' warning issued by findpath_path
    # All following calls do the same thing, but the memory is not being freed
    path = findpath_path(t1, t2)
    path = findpath_path(t1.ctree, t2.ctree)
    path = findpath_path(t1.etree, t2.etree)

# Use the c code to free the memory
from ctypes import CDLL
from tetres.trees._ctrees import TREE_LIST
lib = CDLL(f".../tetres/trees/")
lib.free_treelist.argtypes = [TREE_LIST]

Classes for the c library

These classes are found in the module. The corresponding CDLL c library is generated from findpath.c.


  • parent: index of the parent node (int, defaults to -1)

  • children[2]: index of the two children ([int], defaults to [-1, -1])

  • time: Time of the node (int, defaults to 0)


The attribute time is currently not being used!


  • num_leaves: Number of leaves in the tree (int)

  • tree: Points to a NODE object (POINTER(NODE))

  • root_time: Time of the root Node (int)


The attribute root_time is currently not being used!


  • num_trees: Number of trees in the list (int)

  • trees: List of trees (POINTER(TREE))

Class converter functions

These are found in and convert one tree type into the other. When converting a ctree to an ete3 Tree the branch lengths are discrete integers since the ctrees do not have a branch length annotation.




traverses an ete3.Tree and construct the correct TREE


recursively traverses a TREE and generates an ete3.Tree